St. Louis Cardinals

Jack Ralston - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL RHP 49 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB CB CH Ctl/Cmd
35 30 40 50 30 50/40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 23 yr
Height: 6-6
Weight: 231 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2019 Draft - Round 7
RuleV: 2022

Physical Description: Fully developed collegiate arm that has the frame to start and eat innings. Good, strong lower half. Any physical projection in the body would lean in the negative direction.

Delivery & Mechanics: His windup is a bit of a flashback to simpler times, with the windmill type arm swing that you see in the black and white highlights. He begins with a long stride back and the delivery really slows down, but then its a quick leg kick. The arm action is long, but still quick. It's a straight over the top release, which allows him to stay on top of the baseball and land over his front leg. The long stride and mechanics generate good extension. He struggled throwing strikes in college and as a result didn't see the mound that much. Cardinals took a shot on the untapped potential.

Fastball: Sits 91-94; likely nudges a bit higher in short stints. Heavy downward plane due to six-foot-six frame and aforementioned extreme over the top arm slot. Works more north-to-south rather than east-to-west and provides hitters with a unique look. As a reliever only I'd bump this up a half grade. Grade: 40

Curveball: Lives in the low-80s. It's a high spin offering that plays very well off of the fastball and with the over the top arm slot. Curveball has good depth. Will throw it for strikes. 12-to-6 break. Tunnels well off of the fastball up in the zone. Grade: 50

Changeup: Not a strong pitch, likely gets shelved if he goes to the bullpen. Slows the arm down considerably and the tradeoff is modest arm side run. Grade: 30

Control and Command: Command and control have both improved since he left UCLA. Those very same struggles limited his appearances in college, but perhaps the organization has found something as he's been able to throw strikes more consistently despite the high effort motion. Control: 50 | Command: 40

Overall: Ralston enters the stable of college arms that the organization hoards. His pitch data isn't as promising as some of the other recent college arms, so I have him ranked behind them. He's likely a two-pitch reliever that could move quickly when baseball resumes. Hopefully a switch to the bullpen unlocks a tick or three on the fastball. I see why the organization took a flyer here, as he has the frame, big breaking ball and high release point that they covet.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Low

Delvin Perez - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL SS 48 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 30 20 60 60 55

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Trevor Hooth

Age: 22 yr
Height: 6-3
Weight: 175 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2016 Draft - Round 1
RuleV: 2020

Physical Description: He looks smaller than the listed weight. Plenty of room for growth on his lanky frame. Long limbs, especially his legs..

Hit: Slightly open stance. Slight bend in the knees. Hands stay up by his head pre pitch. Modest toe tap. A dead red hitter at this point. Tends to struggle with breaking balls, whether that be whiffs or soft contact. Swing is pretty compact, but he's prone to reaching out of the zone. Fairly patient approach that can work a count. Power won't ever be his calling card, so if he is to make an offensive impact it will have to be through the hit tool Grade: 30

Power: There isn't much power to be had. He is getting stronger, but any power he has will come from extra base hits that stay in the park. With his speed, a ball in the gap can be interesting. Grade: 20

Field: Very smooth with the leather. Between instincts and speed he's got the 'wow' factor defensively. Inflated error numbers are a reflection, in part, of his range because he can get to many balls that most players cannot. There is also a tendency to lose focus sometimes, but all things considered he is a plus defender. Grade: 60

Arm: His arm is more than capable of making any throw from the six. Beyond the strength his arm is accurate too, which really helps him make fantastic plays defensively. Grade: 60

Run: Easily an above average. Isn't afraid to hustle for an extra base. Defensively he uses the speed well, increasing his range. The tool might push plus if he proves he's able to steal more successfully. Grade: 55

Overall: His game right now is built around running and defense. He can be a joy to watch with the glove because he can make plays that would be though impossible. That comes down to instincts. The biggest question mark will be what happens with him offensively. He's improved at the plate each season, but there's a lot left to be desired. Adjusting to offspeed pitches will go a long way in improving his offensive stock.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Extreme

Pedro Pages - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL C 47 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 45 40 55 55 30

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 22 yr
Height: 6-1
Weight: 234 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2019 Draft - Round 6
RuleV: 2022

Physical Description: Displays outward leadership qualities, the type of catcher that's very involved in the game. Pages has a thicker frame, a high energy fireball. He's fluent in english as well as spanish which is obviously huge in today's game, especially for a catcher. He's going to require serious body maintenance, and you don't see many soft bodied catches nowadays.

Hit: Starts with hands high, with circular gyrations at about the ear level. He's a very pull heavy hitter, but he will pepper the outfield grass just beyond shortstop with line drives. Will be prone to shifts, and since he doesn't run well, it's fair to assume low batting averages. Grade: 45

Power: Over the fence power is limited to the pull-side, but his swing doesn't produce natural loft. The high amount of line drives is a great result, but not being able to elevate limits the power ceiling. Does have some power to the right centerfield gap, just need to see it more often. Grade: 40

Field: Pitchers love throwing to him. Handles a staff extremely well. Doesn't move that great laterally, but is a strong receiver. Good, quiet target that really excels framing the low pitch. Grade: 55

Arm: Gunned down 68% of potential thieves so far in his pro career, which is an exceptional number considering how many more plus runners exist in the lower levels of the minor leagues. Quick feet and hands. Strong transfers and plus ability to get out of the crouch can slow a running game to a halt. Grade: 55

Run: Well below-average runner, not a threat to take the extra bag. Grade: 300

Overall: He's a defense first backup catcher for me because I'm not confident in the power emerging. The frame will also require a sizable amount of effort to maintain and improve. He handles the staff well enough to possibly fill the Julio Rodriguez role sooner or later, and he's got enough chops to be a future coach when his playing career is over.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Moderate

Alex FaGalde - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL RHP 46 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
35 30 40 50 45 50 60/50

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 27 yr
Height: 6-3
Weight: 235 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2017 Draft - Round 30
RuleV: 2020

Physical Description: Older arm that was a senior sign and has pitched his way onto prospect lists. Pitched as a swing man that's earned rotation spots based on performance. He has a good solid frame that's well developed. He holds runners very well and will vary his timing pitch by pitch with runners on base. Moves very well on the mound, is flexible and fields position very well.

Delivery & Mechanics: Low 3/4 arm slot despite frame. Ball looks like it's coming from his ear during the delivery. Hides the ball well enough to get some funky swings despite below average velocity.

Fastball: Lives at 86-90, but gets good ride up in the zone. Pitch plays up due to deception, as he hides the ball behind his body during the delivery. Relies more on weak contact and living on the black, or just off the plate. Despite the low velocity everything is set up off the fastball. Might have the best fastball command of anyone on this list. Plus command and a good amount of natural glove side run/sink Grade: 40

Curveball: The newest pitch in his arsenal. Above-average depth and plus command. Works up in the zone off the fastball. Has different versions of the pitch, much slower version has tremendous depth. If he has a swing and miss pitch, this is as close as it gets. Grade: 50

Slider: More horizontal break than the curveball, obviously, and he will pair it off the fastball. He will throw a fastball away from a right-hander, and then follow up with a slider that looks just like the fastball they just saw before it breaks off the plate. On an off night when he lacks fastball command he can't really use the slider either. Grade: 45

Splitter: Plays well off the fastball. Will throw it for strikes at the bottom of the zone as opposed to traditional splitters that drop below the zone as a chase pitch. Grade: 50

Control and Command: Plus command of the fastball and curveball, average command of his other offerings. The carrying tool here. Four quadrant type command. It can be fun to watch him pitch. Control: 60 | Command: 50

Overall: Pitched well in the lower levels of the minors due to his elite command and feel. Pairs his pitches well and will sequence efficiently. Became more hittable in the upper minors and was homer prone in Double-A. A troubling trend, but fatigue looked to play a part in that. Interested to see what FaGalde looks like to start the season, and I think he can be a middle reliever long term.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Low

Kramer Robertson - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL SS 45 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 45 30 45 45 50

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Trevor Hooth

Age: 26 yr
Height: 5-10
Weight: 166 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2017 Draft - Round 4
RuleV: 2020

Physical Description: Short and lean build. There is room to add some to the frame, but for his height he is built well.

Hit: Open stance. Slight bend in the knees. Hands are shoulder height.Toe tap on the load. Sprays the ball to all fields and goes with the pitch well. Covers the strike zone well. Patient hitter with good knowledge of the zone, which does translate to walks, but also makes him strikeout prone if he is too careful. His patience to get him in hitters counts helps the hit tool play up. Grade: 45

Power: Quick hands generate power. Likely to be more of a gap threat than anything else. He might run into some over the fence, but his swing is built more for line drives. Grade: 30

Field: His glove can play multiple positions.Works hard and doesn't hesitate to give up his body to make a play. Good instincts help him to cover ground. Grade: 45

Arm: While the glove can play anywhere, Robertson's arm is not as strong. It likely excels at second more than anywhere, but can be usable at short because of the accuracy. Grade: 45

Run: His speed helps his game on both sides of the ball. Defensively, his speed will show through a little more. Smart baseball player, and that helps the speed play up. Grade: 50

Overall: Robertson's tools play up because he is a smart player who works hard. He can become a nice utility infielder for a big league club because of his defensive versatility and ability to get into hitters counts. He's gotten consistently better, but will need to see continued improvements in his offensive abilities to reach his utility ceiling.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Moderate

Edgardo Rodriguez - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL C 44 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 45 50 30 30 30

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 20 yr
Height: 6-0
Weight: 207 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2017 IFA, TB
RuleV: 2021

Physical Description: Round, long arms and legs. Major concerns with the body, but admittedly haven't seen much on him since the move to the Cardinals.

Hit: Strong ability to square up the baseball with a simple cut. Picks the foot up and sets it down before engaging. Small hitch in the swing, but makes up for it with good control of the barrel and keeps the bat through the zone for a long time. Was a switch-hitter, but has abandoned hitting from the left-side. Extremely pull heavy. Grade: 45

Power: Swing generates easy loft. Superb trunk rotation and quick hips; can easily see him out performing this power grade down the line. This is a developing skill that will likely be the carrying tool. Bat speed is only average right now, but that will improve as he gets stronger and in better physical shape. His power will come from the lower half though, and his hips fire very well. Grade: 50

Field: After signing with the Rays he moved behind the plate. All previous footage I saw was him playing first base. He doesn't move very well in the field, lacking quickness and overall mobility. Grade: 30

Arm: Lacks carry but appears accurate. Don't see it working very well behind the plate, but it's been two years and a lot can happen during that time. Grade: 30

Run: Well below-average runner. Lacks first step quickness. Grade: 30

Overall: Rodriguez is a lotto ticket with intriguing offensive tools. He's performed well in the DSL, which can be misleading but he was overshadowed by Malcom Nunez’s triple crown season. Interesting guy with a range of outcomes as wide as anyone on this list. True development test.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: High

Alvaro Seijas - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL RHP 43 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB CB CH Ctl/Cmd
35 30 50 50 30 40/30

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 22 yr
Height: 6-1
Weight: 195 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2015 IFA
RuleV: 2020

Physical Description: Short, baby faced right-hander. Very emotional on the mound. Can get in his own head when things don't go well.

Delivery & Mechanics: A high effort delivery with a pronounced head whack. Lots of other moving parts, a long arm action and some spinal tilt as well. He falls off the mound hard towards first base. Has a traditional 3/4 arm slot, but will drop lower occasionally.

Fastball: Inconsistent velocity. At times he was down around 88-91, and for stretches last season he was sitting 94-95 as a starter. Can miss bats at the higher mark, with some arm-side run. Will struggle to maintain velocity deep in games though. Arm-side run creates weak contact. Grade: 50

Curveball: More of a sweeping breaking ball with horizontal break. Can resemble a slider, but his arm slot is a difficult one to throw a big curveball with tremendous depth. It's an above-average pitch that misses bats and generates weak contact. Has the potential to be a big league out-pitch with more consistency. Grade: 50

Changeup: Not a fan of this pitch, and if he's a reliever he should just scrap it. Slows the arm way down and it lacks significant depth or fade. Grade: 30

Control and Command: Struggles to go long stretches where he hits his spot. Showed improved command during Midwest League stint but that eroded some as he ran into trouble in the Florida State League. He's never going to be an exceptional strike thrower. With his profile though he just needs to be fringe-average. Control: 40 | Command: 30

Overall: The Cardinals outrighted him off of the 40-man after the Covid-19 outbreak and he went unclaimed. A bit surprising, but in a traditional season with full minor leagues I believe he gets claimed. Has the ceiling of a big league arm with improved command or if they changeup pops. Likely finds a role as a middle reliever.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Moderate

Thomas Parsons - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL RHP 42 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB CB CH Ctl/Cmd
35 30 40 45 55 55/50

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Trevor Hooth

Age: 25 yr
Height: 6-4
Weight: 220 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2018 UDFA
RuleV: 2021

Physical Description: He's filled out his tall frame well. Not much room, if any, for more weight to be added. Length can be seen more in his legs than anywhere else.

Delivery & Mechanics: Over the top arm slot. Easy motion, not a lot of effort. Hands start at neck height and remain there until hand break.Knee comes to chest height when hands break. Lands in line during power slot. Drive leg finishes with a high kick. Body finishes facing glove side.

Fastball: 88-91 T93. Not a ton of movement, but when located armside it can get some armside run. It's better when it can play off his breaking pitches, which it does best by being located in the top of the zone. Grade: 40

Curveball: 75-76. Big, loopy 1-7 break on it. Likes to use early in the count to steal a strike. Plays better as a pitch to steal a strike early rather than create one late. It can flash tighter break to create whiffs, but not often. His mechanics can get slower when he throws this breaking ball. Grade: 45

Changeup: 81-83. His go to swing and miss offering. Plays above average, but can flash plus with good deception and fade. He has good arm action on the pitch that creates deception, which is what helps it get whiffs Grade: 55

Control and Command: He's got the kind of control a catcher loves because he is never too far off the spot with any of his three pitches. If he's going to issue walks the batter has to earn it. It really helps his stuff play up. Control: 55 | Command: 50

Overall: A smart pitcher who isn't afraid to pitch hitters backward. His ability to control his entire arsenal helps his average stuff play up in game. There are games where his command is not as sharp and that's when things start to go south. With his command, he is a nice fill in option for the Cardinals to have if needed.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Moderate

Edgar Escobar - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL RHP 41 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB CB Ctl/Cmd
35 30 50 50 60/55

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 24 yr
Height: 6-1
Weight: 220 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2018 IFA
RuleV: 2020

Physical Description: Shorter, stockier build. Little physical projection remaining. Strong kid with muscular arms and big thighs.

Delivery & Mechanics: Aggressively attacks hitters. Very mechanically sound and repeats very well. An efficient delivery with no frills. Simple drop and drive delivery that allows him to drive up and over the glove side. Standard High 3/4 slot.

Fastball: When I saw him in game he was mostly 91-92, but the swings the fastball was getting showed that their must be some deception. Contact I spoke with had him up around 94 at the end of the 2019 season at Palm Beach. Not afraid to throw the fastball inside, will work to all four quadrants. Grade: 50

Curveball: Plays very well with the heater. Unpredictable with how he mixes it in. Will start at-bats with it, and trusts it enough to throw it in any count. Two-pitch mix but will mix in the occasional changeup, which I haven't seen enough of. Grade: 50

Control and Command: His strongest asset is his ability to throw his breaking ball for a strike, which is an ability that sticks out in the lower minors. He backs up his low walk rates with only one homer allowed in over 80 professional innings. Better command of his curveball, than the fastball. But commands both very well. Control: 60 | Command: 55

Overall: Despite maxing out at High-A, Escobar is a near big league ready reliever due to his strike throwing abilities. He's too advanced for the lower levels and is a dark horse candidate to pitch in the big leagues as soon as 2021.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Moderate

John Nogowski - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL OF 40 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 50 45 60 50 40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Jake Kerns

Age: 28 yr
Height: 6-0
Weight: 245 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/L
Acquired: 2014 Draft - Round 34, OAK
RuleV: On 40-Man

Physical Description: Short for the position and stocky. Thick core and lower half. Strong forearms. Maxed out physically and considerably old for a prospect. High baseball IQ and character.

Hit: Crouched stance. Keeps his hands out front. Modest leg kick as he steps into the pitch. Wide base at impact. Linear bat path that produces line drive contact. Above-average bat speed. Above-average eye; doesn't chase often, but when he does it's on offspeed pitches down. Shows good barrel control and an ability to use the whole field, but still hits his fair share of grounders to the left side. Grade: 50

Power: Above-average raw power that shows fringe-average during games. Gap hitter that focuses more on making contact than driving the ball. Has enough strength and bat speed to hit the ball out on occasion; could be a 15+ homerun type with starter at-bats. Grade: 45

Field: Moves well laterally for his size. Good instincts which helps his otherwise average range play up. Shows an uncanny IQ at the bag. Good glovework down the line and soft hands helps him make difficult plays. Shows good feel for backhanding and getting the ball to the bag. Grade: 60

Arm: Average natural arm strength. Tool plays up due to his high IQ and ability to get the ball out of his glove quick. Grade: 50

Run: Hustles out of the box but runs with some effort. Timed at and around 4.39 down the line from the right side. Not a threat to steal but has a high IQ on the base paths. Grade: 40

Overall: Nogowski debuted with the Cardinals in 2020. While he's a strong defender at 1B, his bat simply does not profile in a starter's role. He's a good bet to stick on the 40-man roster for a couple years and provide depth as necessary, but expecting anything more than that may be unreasonable.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Low

Ludwin Jimenez - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL RHP 39 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB CB CH Ctl/Cmd
35 30 50 55 45 40/30

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 19 yr
Height: 6-2
Weight: 165 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2018 IFA
RuleV: 2022

Physical Description: 6'2", 165 pounds. Ludwin has room to pack on significant mass while still maintaining his lanky build. Long, skinny limbs and a small waist. Despite concerns with frame he proved to be durable as he was second in the Gulf Coast League in innings in 2019.

Delivery & Mechanics: Fast, loose delivery. Timing is good, everything is where you want it to be on foot strike. Fast arm.

Fastball: Curious to see where he is velocity wise after the shutdown. Was 87-89 during extended spring last year, and I'd guess he's a few ticks higher than that now. Cardinals have instructs again in January so we will find out more then. Pitch does have some life on it and he's able to throw it for strikes. Average grade because I'm assuming some growth occurred here. Grade: 50

Curveball: Good depth and command of the pitch for his age and experience level. Potential to be a future plus pitch as he adds strength. Grade: 55

Changeup: He has good feel for the changeup but the command of the pitch is inconsistent. Quality literally varies pitch-by-pitch. Will drop a plus change then follow it up with a non-competitve version. Grade: 45

Control and Command: He has good feel for the changeup but the command of the pitch is inconsistent. From what I've gathered he will flash a good one followed by 3-4 mediocre or worse versions of this pitch. Control: 40 | Command: 30

Overall: The Cardinals do very well in developing arms from Latin America. He also provides them with a potentially high upside arm in the lower minors, which you won't find too many of those on this list. It's an exciting profile. I don't need to tell you how wide the range of outcomes can be.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: High

LJ Jones IV - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL OF 38 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 40 50 40 40 40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 22 yr
Height: 6-0
Weight: 225 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2020 Draft - Round 5
RuleV: 2023

Physical Description: Short, and muscular with large biceps and forearms. Big calves. He had a strong freshman season, appearing in 42 games and making contact but not tapping into power. He was hit by a pitch during the first game his sophomore year and then redshirted. Then Covid-19 washed out his draft season, but there were some encouraging early results in the handful of games.

Hit: Jones stands tall in the box and uses a small leg kick as his trigger. It looks like he starts his hands remarkably late, but his wrists and forearms are so strong he's still able to get the bat to the ball. Good weight transfer and balance as his weight shifts to his back leg at stride. Showed a lower strikeout rate and improved walk rate in the small 2019 collegiate sample. Plus bat speed. Grade: 40

Power: His immense strength shows through just by watching him play. It's a high effort swing, so when he gets a hold of one it absolutely flies. Good center of gravity with strong wright transfer. Absolutely does not get cheated. Two mammoth homers in some of the video I found. Difficult to get looks at a player with so few games under his belt. Intriguing fifth round selection. Grade: 50

Field: Stocky build and below average speed make him only a fit for left field. Played some first base in college, but lacks the height of a big league first baseman. Not a strong fielder. Grade: 40

Arm: From what I've seen on showcase videos it looks like he sort of pushes the baseball as he throws it. Not optimistic that there's much on the arm here. Grade: 40

Run: Registered 7.3 second 60-yard dash times. That's below average speed. Grade: 40

Overall: Some unknown, but a worthwhile gamble as the system is relatively short on power, especially from the right-handed batters box.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: High

Logan Gragg - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL RHP 37 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB SL Ctl/Cmd
35 30 55 40 50/40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Ray Kinsela

Age: 22 yr
Height: 6-5
Weight: 200 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2019 Draft - Round 8
RuleV: 2022

Physical Description: Long, lean build with tapered frame and good strength throughout. Closing in on physical maturity, plus body.

Delivery & Mechanics: Drop and drive operation with some crossfire out front, slot gets near vertical, lower release height than expected given size of frame, length to arm stroke, fringe timing occasionally.

Fastball: Generally operates in the low-mid 90's, usually in the 91-94 mph range with flashes of 95-96 at times. Generally sat in the same velo band in college both at Connors State and Oklahoma State. Chance for plus fastball in short spurts, but given development as a starter/long reliever, the projection stays above-average. Grade: 55

Slider: Gragg's slider has flashed plus for years but never consistently gotten there, pitch relies on horizontal break more than vertical, can manipulate shape depending on handedness of hitters, likes to land for strikes, solid pitch that lacks consistent bat-missing qualities and will likely struggle to do so with frequency at the big league level. Grade: 40

Control and Command: Gragg has shown more propensity for strikes in pro ball than he did in college, but the overall projection here is limited. More of a strike-thrower than a command artist now. Control: 50 | Command: 40

Overall: Mostly two-pitch swingman type with some upside should command improve, neither fastball nor slider project as big league bat-missers, with enough strikes there's a solid bullpen future here in a middle/long relief way, maybe a 6th starter type if the command comes along.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: High

Evan Mendoza - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL 3B/SS/2B/1B 36 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 45 30 70 60 45

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 25 yr
Height: 6-2
Weight: 205 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2017 Draft - Round 11
RuleV: 2020

Physical Description: He plays much smaller than his frame. Naked eye says he should have some pop but that's not his game. Average build that lacks physical projection, already has solid frame.

Hit: Contact first approach, but to the point where it sacrifices driving the ball. Excellent plate coverage and a pest in the box that is difficult to strikeout due to his tough two-strike approach. He's going to get challenged at the big league level though. Level swing, handles the bat well. Good bunter. Really good hit and run guy. Your dad would love him. Grade: 45

Power: He's going to get challenged by pitchers because they can knock the bat out of his hands. There might be 40-grade raw pop here, but his in game power is nearly at the bottom of the scale. All the good he does at the plate will be completely undone at the big league level due to the lack of power. We've seen this happen to many prospects before him. Most of his extra base hits are well placed balls down the line. Grade: 30

Field: Mendoza is the best defensive infielder in the organization, and might be one of the top defenders on the dirt in all of minor league baseball. He covered a lot of ground at third base and the Cardinals had him playing shortstop in January at instructs. If he can play a strong shortstop changes the profile, and the weak offensive output becomes less of an issue. He has played primarily third but has also spent some time at first base as well as second. Lacks the true footspeed for the shortstop position but he can make it work due to his angles and footwork. Grade: 70

Arm: It's a plus arm for Mendoza. Capable of making any throw. Accurate and strong. Different motions but was a pitcher briefly at NC State. More than enough arm for anywhere on the diamond. Grade: 60

Run: Not fast, but is quick. Speed tool shows up more defensively for Mendoza. Good angles. Quick first step but reaches max speed pretty quickly. Grade: 45

Overall: Lacks the offensive skills to be anything other than a utility man, but if he can play a strong shortstop, which I believe he can, it changes the profile. He's an off the charts makeup guy and likely has a future in coaching or player development if he wants it as well.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Low

Levi Prater - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL LHP 35 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB SL CH Ctl/Cmd
35 30 50 50 40 50/45

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 22 yr
Height: 6-0
Weight: 184 lbs
Hits/Throws: S/L
Acquired: 2020 Draft - Round 3
RuleV: 2023

Physical Description: Short, not physically imposing or intimidating on the mound, but is a bulldog that attacks hitters. Frame essentially is what it is. Don't see any drastic physical changes on the horizon. Athletic and light on his feet, Prater fields his position well. Worth noting that he only has two fingers on his right (non-throwing) hand after a lawnmower accident as a two year old.

Delivery & Mechanics: Starts on the first base side of the rubber. Utilizes an inverted windup. Lifts leg waist high, and has a traditional drop and drive delivery. Throws across his body, leads to an uncomfortable at bat for lefties. It's an athletic delivery that will require him to stay in shape, and I don't project that to be an issue. Gets a lot of extension, but small framed guy so you don't notice it as much on paper. Repeatability is high. Very consistent.

Fastball: Sits 90-91 out of a 3/4 arm slot. Capable of bumping up to 94. Tough at bat for lefties, potential bullpen floor if he can't start. Works all four quadrants with the heater. Will pitch inside. Will try and throw the pitch by guys, despite its limitations. Above-average command of heater earns the pitch an average grade. Grade: 50

Slider: Tough pitch for lefties due to arm slot. Starts behind lefties and breaks over the plate. Breaks toward the backfoot of right-handers. Has shown traits of being an above-average pitch but will lose its shape. Prater and organization have to find that consistency. Grade: 50

Changeup: Mimics fastball, just minimal fade. Essentially a slower version of the heater. Distant third pitch. Uses it versus right-handers. Grade: 40

Control and Command: Average control, slightly below average command. Will miss and catch too much of plate with fastball. When he misses with a secondary pitch it's down more often than not, or off the plate. He's around the plate consistently. Control: 50 | Command: 45

Overall: Prater can become a backend starter if the control moves to plus and/or if the changeup takes a step forward. He's a strike thrower that has pitched above his stuff so far, and can provide quality innings through his controllable years in a variety of roles on a big league staff.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Low

Evan Kruczynski - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL LHP 34 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB CB SL CH Ctl/Cmd
35 30 40 50 50 55 45/40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 26 yr
Height: 6-5
Weight: 215 lbs
Hits/Throws: L/L
Acquired: 2017 Draft - Round 9
RuleV: 2020

Physical Description: Has ideal starters frame; long and lean with broad shoulders. Organization has been successful with pitcher's of this type in the past. Attacks hitters; would think he throws 100+ with how he attacks.

Delivery & Mechanics: 3/4 arm angle with one of the cleanest deliveries in the organization. Half-inverted windup, feet pointing towards first and upper half angled towards the plate and begins with side-step. Drives off the back leg and generates a big downward plane, and hides the ball well behind his large frame. Gets himself into good fielding position.

Fastball: Primarily works up and down with the heater, and up and in against left-handers. For some unexplained reason his velocity was down to 86-90 during 2019, and that's back to what he was at Eastern Carolina. He was sitting in the low-90s and even nudging 95 at times. Having to pitch without the extra heat was a tough adjustment, and he ran into some problems in the upper minors. The pitch has a natural sinking action and generates groundballs. Grade: 40

Curveball: Big, slow breaking curveball that plays off of fastball up in the zone. Fastball velocity was down and curveball also looked to have lost some of its signature bite. When he misses it's traditionally up. Grade: 50

Slider: Tight late break on the pitch. Works it down in the zone and primarily against righties. Throws it at their back foot. It's his go to breaking ball to get strikeouts. Has cutter like action at times. I think he manipulates it a bit, adding and subtracting from the pitch's depth. Grade: 50

Changeup: His best pitch. Disguised as the fastball but has late tumble away from right-handed hitters. Will throw it in fastball counts, and it can get swing and misses as well as generate weak contact. Pretty much used exclusively against right-handers. Grade: 55

Control and Command: Tough year for him. His control took a hit this year but it was also the first time in his professional and collegiate career that he really struggled. His stuff was down and he had to adjust by becoming more fine and not being as aggressive. He didn't have that 95 MPH in his back pocket to make up for missed locations. The spike in homers can verify this claim. Less margin for error. He also never demonstrated pinpoint control in the past, and that shows when the velocity is way down. Control: 45 | Command: 40

Overall: Kruczynski attacks hitters north and south, which makes him a good fit for the modern game. Kruczysnki wasn't selected in the Rule 5 Draft after the organization left him unprotected. If the velocity didn't take a dip he likely gets protected by the Cardinals this winter. Instead he went undrafted in the Rule Five draft. Kruczynski profiles as a swing man because he doesn't have that one trait on the mound that he does well, or that one out pitch. Collection of average to above-average tools.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Low

Julio E. Rodriguez - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL C 33 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 40 40 55 60 20

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Trevor Hooth

Age: 24 yr
Height: 6-0
Weight: 245 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2015 IFA
RuleV: 2020

Physical Description: Has a stocky, well built frame that will help him endure the tough life of a catcher. There isn't any room for more physical projection.

Hit: Square stance. Keeps feet close together pre-load. Stands tall with hands by his head. Utilizes a small leg kick as a trigger. His quick hands couple with a compact swing to help him make contact. His feel for barrel isn't very good. Because of that when he gets bat to ball it can lead to lots of foul balls. Likes to jump at first pitch fastballs. Shows some pitch recognition skills. Can spray the ball to all fields. Grade: 40

Power: There's not a ton of power to be had. He can run into some homers when he pulls the ball, but any power is likely going to be gap to gap rather than over the fence. Grade: 40

Field: He moves and reacts very well behind the plate. Great at blocking pitches. Grade: 55

Arm: Arm has all the traits you could want to be plus. It's not only a cannon, but it's accurate too Grade: 60

Run: There's not much speed here. When he finds a gap, don't hold your breath for a triple. Won't steal any bases either. He's agile defensively, which is more important than his speed as a catcher. Grade: 20

Overall: This is a glove first profile, which isn't rare from the catcher positon. His defense and arm are really good. His bat is not quite there. He'll never be a power guy, and there's a chance he might not hit for much average either. The defensive side of things might just be good enough to give Rodriguez a chance in the big leagues.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Moderate

Chandler Redmond - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL 2B 32 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 45 60 30 40 40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 24 yr
Height: 6-1
Weight: 231 lbs
Hits/Throws: L/R
Acquired: 2019 Draft - Round 32
RuleV: 2022

Physical Description: Filled out frame. Every bit of 231 pounds. Long legs and arms. Well proportioned, good body. I expect him to be a long term option at first base, not traditional look of a second baseman. Strong college performer.

Hit: Loud, noisy swing with plenty of moving parts, with good plate coverage; will take walks. Good plate coverage; will take walks. Performed well in the the Appy League but still struck out at a 25% clip, swing has some length to it. That's too high for a player over the league average age. 16.8% SwStr% was the sixth worst mark in the league. He does use all fields and can drive the ball line to line. Making contact is the key here. Grade: 45

Power: Strength is his game, and Redmond is one of the better power bats in a system that has made adding power one of its main objectives. Redmond has easy plus raw power, and will get to it in games despite a linear, line-drive oriented swing. Hit 12 homers in 54 games but was aided by a sky high 29% HR/FB rate, so I don't expect him to repeat the power production in the next go around. He does scold the ball though and is one of the organizational leaders in exit velocity. The power is no joke. Over his last three years in college and his pro debut he's hit 60 homers. Power is a plus tool. Grade: 60

Field: Played mostly third base for Johnson City in his professional debut, but also spent time at second and first. Caught some while at Gardner-Webb, but that won't be happening as a professional. He moves better than people may think due to his size. His hands are solid and he will make all the plays on balls hit to him. Just don't expect many highlight reel plays. I do expect him to play more first base than second as he climbs the ladder. Grade: 30

Arm: Arm lacks carry, but it's playable. Won't matter much if he moves to first base. Grade: 40

Run: Not a speed threat. Not a part of his game. Grade: 40

Overall: Redmond profiles as a utility bat with a plus power tool, but as it turns out that may be his only average or better tool which limits his upside. 2020 was set to be a big year for him as he was set to hit full season ball for the first time, and we could've gotten some answers regarding the hit tool. Redmond is going as far as the bat allows.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: High

Juan Yepez - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL OF/1B/3B 31 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 45 55 40 55 40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Matt Thompson

Age: 23 yr
Height: 6-1
Weight: 200 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2014 IFA, ATL
RuleV: 2020

Physical Description: Barrel chested with big shoulders and strong forearms. Big thighs and lower half. More muscular than soft, which is a recent change. Asked him to get in better shape so he could play the outfield and that's exactly what he did.

Hit: Yepez underwent a physical transformation of sorts, trading some baby fat for muscle, and the results were encouraging. He's more agile and improved his path through the zone. He hammers pitches up in the zone due to a mostly level bat path, but still drives the ball due to raw strength. He's worked on shortening his swing to make more contact, so that's something to watch for as we head into 2021. Still see him as a .240-.250 hitter though. Hit tool is above-average against left-handers, if not better. Grade: 45

Power: I think Yepez is capable of hitting 30 homers consistently in the big leagues, but the question is if his other secondary tools will allow him to get there. The power isn't enough to make up for the other parts of his game right now, but he definitely made strides in the power department, even if they don't immediately show up in the stat line. In 2018 Yepez's average flyball distance was 272 feet, per Prospect Live's MinorsGraphs tool. In 2019 that jumped all the way to 307 feet. He played at the same parks in 2018 as 2019, not including his stint in Double-A, so we have a good size sample to work with here. He knows his literal strength, and is now hunting fastballs to lift pull side. Plus raw power but I'm bumping it down a bit because he doesn't fully get all of it in games yet. Above average bat speed now. Very much tools over production right now. Grade: 55

Field: He's done a tremendous job getting himself into shape to potentially play an OF corner, but ideally you don't want him out there outside of the occasional appearance. He's fine at first base. Really needs a DH in the National League though. Grade: 40

Arm: Strong arm. Arm is playable at third, but the glove isn't. Arm can also put him in right field for a short stint, but again, you don't want him out there. Grade: 55

Run: Below-average runner, but a deceptive first step. Speed isn't a positive part of his game. Grade: 40

Overall: Yepez ultimate role is likely a lefty masher off the bench for a competitive club or as a DH somewhere. I just don't think the glove is playable in the field though. He lacks the range and speed to play in the outfield. He can play an average first base, but at the moment doesn't hit enough for that spot, and probably won't ever really, and while his arm fits at third the rest of him doesn't. The bat must take a jump to the next level for him to be considered for a semi-everyday role however.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: Moderate

Griffin Roberts - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 STL RHP 30 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB SL CH Ctl/Cmd
35 30 40 55 45 45/40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Trevor Hooth

Age: 25 yr
Height: 6-3
Weight: 210 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2018 Draft - Round CBA
RuleV: 2021

Physical Description: Long limbs, but the frame is filled out. There isn't much room for any added weight.

Delivery & Mechanics: Works quickly with a quick delivery. Throws from a low 3/4 arm slot. Hands start at chest before dropping down the hip height on the rocker stop. The rise again with the leg left, then start to break as the leg goes down. Finishes with push leg swing high and across. Upper and lower half stay in sync well through delivery.

Fastball: Generally in the low 90's. Will manipulate it between 4 seam and sinker. Sinker generates some arm side run low in the zone. 4 seam mostly used up in the zone. Low and inefficient spin limits the success of the pitch. Grade: 40

Slider: Low 80's in velo. Big sweeping slider that gets a ton of horizontal movement. Used as an out pitch against lefties and righties. Not afraid to double up on it. Gets above average spin. Might not get as many whiffs at higher levels due to its sweepiness. On its own can be a plus pitch, but can play down due to lack of another significant offering. Grade: 55

Changeup: Sits around 85. This pitch is not used very often. Has some nice fade to it. Can change pace when playing off the sinker. Grade: 45

Control and Command: Likes to try to force the front door slider at times, but loses the release point. He's generally around the plate, but the fastball has a tendency to sail. Walks hurt him more than missing over the middle of the plate. Control: 45 | Command: 40

Overall: Part of what helps him is throwing from the unique low 3/4 arm slot. His slider does play, but the question is if it will be enough to carry the profile. His fastball isn't in a place to be a strong enough compliment to the big sweeping breaking ball. His best change to be a big leaguer is by way of a slider heavy approach in the bullpen. Improvements to his fastball to play along with the slider would go a long way with him fitting into high leverage situations.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: High