Nick Loftin - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 KC SS 9 45

Grades Update: May 2021
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
45 40 55 40 55 55 50

May 2021 Report

Evaluator: Trevor Hooth

Age: 22 yr
Height: 6-1
Weight: 180 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2020 Round 1CBA
RuleV: 2023

Physical Description: Lean, athletic build. There's still a little room to add to the frame.

Hit: Even stance. Stands tall. Hands start shoulder height, bat head over shoulder. Toe tap load mechanism. Pretty quiet operation. Quick hands and quick to the ball. Covers the plate well and sprays the ball around the field. Adept at finding the barrel. Shows good on base ability. Grade: 55

Power: More gap power than anything. Can access bigger power to the pull side. The bigger power is sporadic but it does show up. If he accesses that slightly more there's a potential half grade bump, but the gap power is likely all he will have. Grade: 40

Field: Smooth actions and good footwork on the dirt. Is more than capable of sticking at shortstop. He's even sprinkled in some outfield time in the past. The kind of glove that could adequately play all around the diamond. Grade: 55

Arm: Strong arm. Ball carries across the infield. Arm could play at any spot in the infield, and would hold up as a low end right field arm. Grade: 55

Run: Legs cycle through quickly with long strides. Uses speed well defensively, and runs the bases well. Grade: 50

Overall: He's got the kind of skillset that, at best, could make him a reliable leadoff hitter. Loftin's glove, however, is what will lead the way. The likely outcome might be a high end hit tool first, super utility type. Other than his power, he's got a handful of above average tools that give him a safe floor.

OFP: 45
Role: 40 - Below Average Player: Bench/Utility
Risk: Low