Jake McCarthy - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 ARI OF 20 45

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
45 40 45 50 50 40 60

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Geoff Pontes

Age: 23 yr
Height: 6-2
Weight: 195 lbs
Hits/Throws: L/L
Acquired: 2018 Round CBA
RuleV: 2021

Physical Description: Definition of an athlete, long lean, high waisted, runs well and everything he does is fluid. Looks as though he could add a few pounds of muscle but isn't far from optimal size. Has dealt with injuries throughout his time as a professional and amateur, earning an "injury prone" tag from some evaluators.

Hit: Setup is more upright with a moderate load, and an operation that starts with a moderate leg lift trigger. Does a good job of getting into his back hip prior to transfer. Keeps his hands inside leading to him staying inside the ball more than he'd like. Efforts were made this off-season to add loft at the point of contact and the data from the alternative site supports this (average launch angle or 19 degrees). There's some slight hesitation in McCarthy's leg drive which will lead to some bat drag. This in turn has led to some swing and miss, as he's struggled against quality offspeed and breaking balls. An aggressive hitter that doesn't walk with great frequency putting up fringe average on base numbers. Platoon risk due to RHP friendly splits and a loss of approach in left on left matchups. It's a fringe average hit tool with fringe average bat to ball, on base ability, and average quality of contact. Grade: 45

Power: McCarthy's biggest question mark coming into pro-ball was his ability to hit for power at a sustainable level. He hit just five homers in his collegiate career, and slugged a below average .405 in an injury plagued 2019 season with Arizona's Cal League affiliate Visalia. McCarthy to be fair has dealt with a pair of wrist injuries, notable due to that injury's ability to sap power for periods as players come back. All this to say McCarthy's always had some loft in his swing, as well as bat speed and physical projection, it was simply adjusting some things in his setup. Reports and data from the alternative site are encouraging. McCarthy's average exit velocity of 92.5 mph is above average with a 19 degree average launch angle, and a max velocity of 108 mph. The power might be coming. I'm willing to gamble on the adjustments and McCarthy's physicality and athleticism translating to average game power at peak. Grade: 50

Field: Strong defender in all three outfield spots, plus makeup speed makes him a fit in centerfield. Likely to end up in left field due to below average arm strength, which is unfortunate because he has the instincts and burst of an above average up the middle outfield defender. His hands at times are just average betraying him on some of his more athletic plays. If you wanted to be aggressive you could pin a 55 on his fielding but due to some of his deficiencies he's just a strong average. Grade: 50

Arm: Below average tool, has the arm strength to make the bare minimum throws but not something that will keep runners honest on reputation or deceptive accuracy. Likely to push McCarthy to left field. Grade: 40

Run: Plus runner who's speed translates in the field and a as a base runner. Dangerous base stealer with good reads and jumps. Only above average home to first times but that's a somewhat flawed way to judge speed depending on hitting operation. So far in his professional career he's stolen at an 80% success rate (38 of 48) and was at 90% (18 of 20) in 2019 pre-injury. Grade: 60

Overall: An athletic, intriguing and ultimately uneven player. If the positive reports from the alternative site regarding his power show up in games during 2021 McCarthy has a real chance to blossom into a true everyday regular profile. For now however, he's a platoon outfielder with the ability to fill-in defensively across the outfield in a pinch. Working in McCarthy's favor is that his splits favor right handed pitching and his speed translates in ways that impact the game. An ideal platoon outfielder or fourth outfielder on a winning club.

OFP: 45
Role: 40 - Below Avg. Player - Bench/Platoon
Risk: Moderate