Brent Rooker - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 MIN OF 12 45

Grades Update: Apr 2021
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
45 40 45 60 40 45 40

Apr 2021 Report

Evaluator: Evan Morin

Age: 26 yr
Height: 6-3
Weight: 225 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2017 Round 1 CBA
RuleV: On 40-Man Roster

Physical Description: Muscular build with strong, powerful lower half. Tall frame that is near full maturity.

Hit: Square, shoulder width stance. Upright with hands at the shoulders. Toe tap timing leads to strong back side push for great bat speed. Semi uppercut swing gives high launch angle from the nature of being a power hitter. Confident maturity in the box and is ready to hit every pitch. Short to the ball with great extension upon contact. Grade: 45

Power: Provides a lot of raw power stemming from strong thighs and legs. Loud, deep homers when given his pitch. Power to all fields, extra to pull side. Power is shown in game and will be shown more with development of hit tool. Grade: 60

Field: Reads ball well off the bat. Plays loose with soft hands and hustles to every ball. Can manage any position in the outfield. Needs to work on speed more to have better range in the field. Grade: 40

Arm: He throws the ball with good backspin and carry. Uses whole body and throws over the top. Fringe-average velocity. Quick release may help with lower velocity. Grade: 45

Run: Below-average speed. Quick out of the box. Stays low and aggressively tries to stretch out extra bases. Power in the box for stand up doubles allows for less of a need for high speed. Grade: 40

Overall: Rooker provides a ton of power and will continue to have many XBH in the future. He did well in his 7 games with the Twins during the 2020 season, batting .316 with a home run off Rays' Tyler Glasnow, until he suffered a fractured forearm. There is plenty of potential for him to become a consistent hitter that can contribute to his club. He has a defensive gap from an MLB starter that he will need to fix before he can become an everyday player. Approaching 27, he will need to start producing even more or else he may find himself in an up and down role.

OFP: 45
Role: 40 - Second Division Regular
Risk: Moderate