Gilberto Celestino - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 MIN OF 11 45

Grades Update: Apr 2021
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
45 40 50 40 60 55 55

Apr 2021 Report

Evaluator: Jake Kerns

Age: 22 yr
Height: 6-0
Weight: 170 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/L
Acquired: 2015 IFA (HOU)
RuleV: On 40-Man Roster

Physical Description: Average height and build with some room for additional upper-body strength. Athletic and displays it in all facets of the game. High-effort player that is fun to watch.

Hit: Stands slightly crouched; hands stay high and back. Minimal pre-pitch movement. Uses a big leg, lengthy kick as his timing mechanism. It's a mostly linear swing but he can fall tendency to chopping at the ball to make contact. Has innate bat-to-ball skills and an approach that is designed to put the ball in play. Has consistently created more ground outs than fly outs since signing and would be better served in elevating the ball with more regularly. Shows an advanced eye at the plate and feel for the strike zone; does not strike out often and should stay that way, even as he faces better pitching. Beginning to go the opposite way, but still primarily uses the left half of the field. There's some untapped potential with the bat, particularly if he can drive the ball more often. Grade: 50

Power: Fringe-average raw power that began showing up more consistently in games during the 2019 season. His over-the-fence power is primarily to the pull side. Has increased the rotation in his hips, which has helped him create more leverage on the ball and better utilize his above-average bat speed. His approach is still contact-oriented, but he could be a high doubles hitter if he can start elevating the ball to the gaps with more regularity. Grade: 40

Field: Gets good reads off the bat and covers a lot of ground in the outfield. Takes average routes but can quickly change course of direction if out of position or dealing with wind. Shows a comfort for moving backward and has a natural feel for the wall. Willing to lay out for the ball in all directions. Makes some difficult plays. Whole package indicates plus range. Majority of his experience is in CF and RF; defensively profiles in either. Plays all-out. Grade: 60

Arm: Strong arm with above-average or better carry from the grass. Throws from a high overhand position when being tested by baserunners. Throws were on target in looks. Grade: 55

Run: Timed between 4.19 and 4.26 down the line from the right side. He has close to plus straight-line speed, but he is not always quick out of the box, so the tool plays slightly down. Hustles at all times. Can swipe double-digit bags at the next level. Grade: 55

Overall: Celestino makes highlight reel-worthy defensive plays with regularity and is among the best defensive outfielders in the minors. He possesses an advanced feel for the bat, and potentially possesses an above-average hit tool, but he lacks the power that is generally sought after for a starting outfielder. He has everyday upside, and took some steps toward that profile as he increased his extra-base output in 2019, but the offensive profile is still fringey. He's a high-likelihood major leaguer with his defense alone, but his progress with the bat will dictate just how good he can become.

OFP: 45
Role: 40 - Second Division Regular
Risk: Moderate