Hedbert Perez

Hedbert Perez - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 MIL OF 4 50

Grades Update: Jan 2021
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
50 50 50 55 55 60 55

Jan 2021 Report

Evaluator: Ian Smith

Age: 18 yr
Height: 5-11
Weight: 185 lbs
Hits/Throws: L/L
Acquired: 2019 IFA
RuleV: 2023

Physical Description: High level athlete. Extremely physical body in a slightly compact frame. Quads and Forearms stand out at first glance. Wide shoulders, and chest shows room for growth as he matures. Tons of present strength, with plenty more to come. Has added over 20lb. since being signed in 2019. It's rare to see a 17-year-old with such physical maturity combined with plenty of projection left.

Hit: Steps into the box feet open and front heel slightly raised. Hands will sit high at the shoulder with the barrel angled at the backstop. Presents a wide base in a nearly upright stance. Will incorporate a small hanging leg kick into a toe tap throughout his compact swing with an advanced ability to keep his weight in his back side. Hands drift back and his lead leg gets down with authority while showing tremendous barrel lag through the zone. Head stays on the ball throughout, focused rarely wavers. Plus hand and wrist strength produce elite level bat speed and barrel acceleration easily, with more to project. Bat path is getting more optimized as he matures creating easy natural launch angles and impressive points of contact. Has shown an above average eye in the limited live ABs available, and an ability to work the ball to all fields without hindering his approach. Has yet to play in affiliated ball yet, but has shown the ability to pick up offspeed and will abuse a fastball. One of the most visual appealing swings you'll see in a teenager. There's a solid gap with present and future grades here with the lack of true game film, so it should be worth monitoring. Grade: 50

Power: Ball just explodes off the bat. BP sessions are a sight to see, including some light tower shots in Miller Park after signing last July. The natural loft his bat path creates combined with the simplicity in his swing allows Perez to tap into his power without selling out at all. Pull side power stands out, but shows home run juice to all fields. Has tapped into every bit of his raw power in-game and that should be a continuing trend going forward. If you factor in his above average foot speed, this could add some variance in his current and future power grades Grade: 55

Field: Perez will show his high level athleticism in the field. Will get a quick first step and shows aggression when tracking balls. Will take advanced routes moving in all directions and has earned rave reviews in his time in instructs and at the alt site this fall. Presents all the tools to stick in CF long term, but could be more suited in a corner long term as his frame develops Grade: 55

Arm: Will uncork big time arm strength with ease. Gets good carry on his throws and doesn't need to sell out. Will rush throws on occasion and lose some accuracy, but overall the profile will play at all three outfield spots Grade: 60

Run: Gets a quick first step out of the box and will reach top speed quickly. Doesn't take a long stride but covers ground with ease due to plus foot speed. Reportedly 6.6-6.7 runner in the 60. Speed likely to hold up as he ages due to his high level athleticism Grade: 55

Overall: Perez shows all of the makings of becoming a high level offensive OF with a cannon for a left arm. Could be the most tooled up player in the entire Brewers system at just 17 years old. Should develop into a solid average hitter with potential for 20+ HRs and potential for double-digit steals. The floor is currently very low due to the volatility of the age and profile, but the room for growth is immense. Advanced baseball IQ and makeup for his age. Big league bloodlines as the son of Venezuelan legend and 6 year MLB vet Robert Perez.

OFP: 50
Role: 50 - Average Everyday Regular
Risk: Extreme