Carlos Rodriguez (OF) - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 MIL OF 19 40

Grades Update: Jan 2021
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
40 40 45 20 55 50 55

Jan 2021 Report

Evaluator: Isaiah Burrows

Age: 20 yr
Height: 5-10
Weight: 150 lbs
Hits/Throws: L/L
Acquired: 2017 IFA
RuleV: 2021

Physical Description: Wiry and athletic frame with short arms and legs. More room for physical growth, development for his age. Needs to add more size and strength to help his offensive profile.

Hit: Compact left-handed stance. Elbows and knees stay close together. Hands remain just above the letters. Subtle right leg kick within his load. Short and quick bat speed makes contact to all fields. Slashes line drives to the opposite field. Shortens his swing, dips his back shoulder at times. Patient approach leads to hitter-friendly counts, but lacks consistent hard contact. Showed growth in approach and improvement. Grade: 45

Power: Lacks power from the left side. Flat, contact-driven swing struggles to get the ball in the air. Makes the majority of hard contact pull-side. Struggles to tap into in-game power. Power can improve as he physically matures and strength. Grade: 20

Field: Above-average defender with solid instincts and range. Covers a good amount of ground with his speed and gets a good jump on the ball. Plays the ball well in the air, makes adjustments on the fly. Speed and versatility projects well to center field at the next level. Grade: 55

Arm: Average arm strength with accurate throws from the outfield. Throws lack velocity, but remain on target. Makes the necessary throws from center field. Improved arm strength can help improve his defensive profile. Grade: 50

Run: Flashes above-average speed across the board. Short strides, immediate bursts of quickness out of the box. Shows good hustle and speed for extra bases. Lacks elite top-end speed. Athletic traits have yet to translate to stolen bases. Grade: 55

Overall: Rodriguez has the athleticism and defensive skills to stick in center field, but his offensive profile leaves a bit to be desired. Concerns remain over his inability to make consistent hard contact, and he hasn't tapped into projectible raw power. If Rodriguez ascends up Milwaukee's minor league system, he must grow into his frame and show more offensive prowess.

OFP: 40
Role: 40 - Below-Average Player: Bench or Platoon
Risk: High