Terrin Vavra

Terrin Vavra - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 BAL SS 14 45

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
45 40 50 40 55 45 50

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: James Chipman

Age: 24 yr
Height: 6-1
Weight: 185 lbs
Hits/Throws: L/R
Acquired: 2018 Draft - Round 3, COL
RuleV: 2021

Physical Description: Small compact frame; athletic build. Skinny torso with wiry strength; frame appears maxed. Strong baseball IQ; impressive makeup. Has bloodlines: father Joe coached for the Twins and Tigers; brothers Tanner and Trey were both drafted by the Twins.

Hit: Open stance that squares on load; hands above the letters; upright stance with a slight crouch and wide base. Toe tap timing mechanism; quick direct path to the ball; average bat speed. Spray hitter who goes gap to gap. Shows discipline and decent pitch recognition; walks a ton. Tough to strike out; grinds out at-bats waiting for something he can handle. Presently a fringe-average tool with solid average potential. On-base ability further pads the overall potential value. Grade: 50

Power: Fringe average raw that up until 2019 played near the bottom of the scale. Hit over power approach and bat path limit his future over-the-fence pop; recent gains should yield near below-average power if his hit tool reaches projection. Grade: 40

Field: Solid defender that profiles best long term at 2B. Average range that plays up because of instincts and a quick first step. Reads angles well and makes more difficult plays than he should. Good footwork when he gets to the ball; exceptionally soft hands; quick on the pivot; turns an excellent on the double play. Adequate enough to play SS in a pinch but 2B is his primary future. Grade: 55

Arm: Fringe-average arm strength. Quick release and quick transfer on pivot; ball comes out cleanly with optimal carry but lack impressive velocity. Throws accurately on the run. Throws from deep in the hole don't have the zip required for him to hang at SS. Grade: 45

Run: Good athlete with quality running technique; gets out of the box quickly and hustles down the line. Smart baserunner who picks his spots and reads pitchers well. Will take the occasional extra hustle base. Grade: 50

Overall: Hitterish middle infielder with modest second division regular upside. Lack of a loud carrying tool puts enormous pressure on the bat; rumored to be getting reps in CF and possibly 3B, versatility could provide a boost as a potential bat first super utility guy.

OFP: 45
Role: 40 - Below-Average Player: Platoon or Utility
Risk: Moderate