Skye Bolt - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 OAK OF 15 40

Grades Update: Feb 2021
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
40 40 40 50 55 55 60

Feb 2021 Report

Evaluator: Jake Kerns

Age: 27 yr
Height: 6-2
Weight: 180 lbs
Hits/Throws: S/R
Acquired: 2015 Round 4
RuleV: On 40-Man Roster

Physical Description: Tall and lean. Small waist and slight upper half. Has room to add extra muscle, but he's 27 years old and yet to do so. Notably plays with a smile on his face.

Hit: Near mirror image stance. Stands slightly crouched and open. Keeps his hands high and bat sits on his shoulder prior to loading. Moderate leg kick as he steps into the pitch. Wider base at impact from the left side. Mostly linear swing but slight tendency to swing more upward when looking to drive the ball. Generates more flyouts than groundouts. Above-average bat speed; can drive the ball when he connects. Average eye and shows an ability to lay off outside pitches. Routinely swings through offspeed stuff down. Can be an aggressive swinger on pitches in and around the zone; strikeouts will be a part of his game. Has the footspeed to beat out balls to the left side of the dirt. Does not show any concerning L/R splits, but does impact the ball more from the left side. Grade: 40

Power: Above-average raw power from both sides and shows an ability to get to it in-game, particularly from the left side. Mostly pull side. Regularly drives the ball to the gaps. Can be aggressive at the plate, and sells out some of his hit tool to get to his power. Generates some natural loft off the bat. Grade: 50

Field: Gets above-average jumps and tracks the ball well. Shows good instincts, and has the footspeed to recover on bad reads. Not as fluid of an athlete as some, but he has above-average range in CF. Has experience across the outfield. Grade: 55

Arm: Above-average arm strength with good carry from the grass. Regularly hits the cutoff and mostly on target when tested. Arm plays in all three outfield positions Grade: 55

Run: Timed 4.23 down the line from the right side. Hustles out of the box. Some effort. Not a base stealing threat, despite his otherwise plus speed. Grade: 60

Overall: Bolt's hit tool lags behind his otherwise average or better tools, and he likely profiles as a backup because of it. It's a high-probability floor, however, because he runs well and is an above-average defender across all outfield positions. Bolt is on the 40-man roster, and figures to have at least an up/down role in 2021. Even a slight improvement with the stick could bolster his chances of sticking as a fourth outfielder.

OFP: 40
Role: 40 - Below-Average Player: Bench or Platoon
Risk: Low