Kyle Muller - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 ATL LHP 7 50

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB CB CH Cnt/Cmd
50 50 60 50 50 45/40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: James Chipman

Age: 23 yr
Height: 6-7
Weight: 250 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/L
Acquired: 2016 Draft, Round 2
RuleV: On 40-Man Roster

Physical Description: Large imposing 6'7", 250+ pound frame. Broad shoulders with mild slope; long levers; average core with a soft middle. High waist; strong legs and a thick lower half -- a sturdy workhorse frame capable of eating innings. Limited physical projection remaining with minimal strength gains to be had.

Delivery & Mechanics: Semi-windup. High 3/4 arm slot with above-average arm speed and moderate to max effort in the delivery since refinement. Long arm path that starts below the belt on windup. Moderate deception from delivery, hand break and leg kick. Utilizes tall frame, long levers and high arm slot to generate steep downward plane. Has made great strides mechanically considering his size, but often struggles to repeat; arm slot occasionally wanders and hard falls often pull him offline.

Fastball: Sits 93-95 occasionally scraping as high as 96. Firm heavy offering with just modest run. Works it to all quadrants of zone; misses predominately glove-side. Holds velocity deep into outings and maintains velocity from the stretch. Fringe-average command. Extension and downhill plane pad the percieved velocity and overall quality. Grade: 60

Curveball: Sits 76-81 with tight 1/7 action and sharp late break at its best. Has inconsistent shape and feel; shows less optimal slurvy depth at times that lacks bite. Primarily a chase pitch out of the strike zone against LHB. Overall an inconsistent but solid offering with average potential. Grade: 50

Changeup: Has feel; tunnels it well and maintains arm speed. Quality velocity separation from FB; sits around 83-85 with fade and solid tumble. Heavy usage, comfortable throwing the offering in any count to both right and left-handed batters. Elicits both swing and miss and weak contact; will occasionally hang. Flashes above-average and sits fringy; likely settles in-between. Grade: 50

Control and Command: Muller's size, long levers and limited athleticism effect his ability to repeat; subsequently limiting his command profile upside. Pitch counts can run up and he's prone to the occasional wild spell. That being said, he lives around the zone and relies on quality of stuff and pitchabilty over precise location. His advanced feel and ability to sequence help mitigate some of the mechanical issues, but Muller will likely always be a stuff over command type. Control: 45 | Command: 40

Overall: A well rounded arsenal of potential average or better offerings and pitchabilty give Muller solid back of the rotation potential. The lack of a true put-away secondary offering and less than optimal command bake added risk into the profile. His handedness and ability to reach the upper 90s could yield a solid high leverage reliever safety net backup plan.

OFP: 50
Role: 50 - #4 or #5 SP
Risk: Moderate