James Outman - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 LAD OF 39 35

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role Hit Power Field Arm Run
35 30 40 45 55 55 55

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Geoff Pontes

Age: 24 yr
Height: 6-3
Weight: 215 lbs
Hits/Throws: L/R
Acquired: 2018 Draft - Round 7
RuleV: 2021

Physical Description: Tall, muscular, but not overly bulky to the point it saps athleticism. The build of an outside wide receiver in the NFL. Plus athlete that runs well and has above average raw power due to his natural strength.

Hit: Starts from a square stance on the left side with slight bend in his knees, but fairly upright. Lower hands set by his back shoulder, Outman employs a light leg lift timing mechanism before a quiet and quick trigger. Longer bat path due to the uppercut nature of his stroke combined with his longer levers. This in turn leads to a fair amount of swing and miss in the profile. Had elevated strikeout rates as an older college player in both Rookie and Low-A. Poor overall contact hitter that makes up for some of his swing and miss with above average on base ability. Grade: 40

Power: Fringe average game power with above average raw. Outman has the body and bat path to optimize for power. His lack of contact ability and holes in his swing lead to his power playing below his abilities. Has the ability to tap into pull side juice. There's some power projection in his profile but much of it lays on his ability to hit. Grade: 45

Field: Above average fielder bordering on plus. Long majestic strides in the outfield does an above average job of covering ground which aids average route running. He is instinctual in the field and focused, limiting lapses. He played all three outfield spots for Great Lakes in 2019 but manned center predominantly, starting 93 games there. The tool from which Outman's profile derives the greatest value. Grade: 55

Arm: Above average outfield arm with seven assists in 2019. Good online carry and accuracy average to a tick better distance but good form and a strong motion. Grade: 55

Run: Above average runner that clocks consistent 55-60 run times home to first with speed translating in the field and on the base paths. Aggressive baserunner, sometimes will take chances on steals and get thrown out. Jumps are average with solid reads of the pitcher. Borderline plus tool, but he could lose a step in the coming years due to the size of his frame. Grade: 55

Overall: With strong supporting skills and questionable offensive tools overall, Outman profiles perfectly as an up and down emergency outfielder type. There's some hope for a little more out of the profile if Outman is able to improve his bat to ball skills and cut down on the swing and miss. Good defense, outfield flexibility, and strong throwing arm could push him to a low end bench outfield role if the hit improves. There's more risk in the profile than typical of a college outfield profile.

OFP: 35
Role: 30 - Up/Down Emergency Depth
Risk: High