Drew Rom - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 BAL LHP 19 40

Grades Update: Dec 2020
40 40 45 55 50 55/50

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: James Chipman

Age: 21 yr
Height: 6-2
Weight: 170 lbs
Hits/Throws: L/L
Acquired: 2018 Draft - Round 4
RuleV: 2022

Physical Description: Tall; wiry build. Broad shoulders that slope; high waist; long levers; average core and upper body strength. Above-average athleticism. Plenty of room to fill out and get stronger. Former standout HS soccer player. Intelligent. Strong work ethic.

Delivery & Mechanics: Semi-windup; above-average arm-speed; 3/4 arm slot with moderate effort delivery. Long stride with good extension. Crossfire finish and deep hand break yield impressive deception.

Fastball: Sits 88-91 t92; mostly upper-80s. High efficiency; well above-average backspin; good movement profile. Shows tailing action up and moderate sink low. Tough to square; tough to lift; keeps the ball in the yard and often on the ground. Projects solid average command; overall quality padded by movement and deception. Below-average velocity will give him a smaller margin for error at the big league level. Grade: 45

Slurve: Sits 78-83; manipulates movement showing 2/8 depth with tight rotation and late bite. Occasionally drops his arm slot down a tick yielding more traditional slider shape; primarily short horizontal single plane break. The sweepy breaker is commanded well and leaned on heavily; often thrown back-to-back and in FB counts when he's behind. He's comfortable backdooring it and back-footing it. Likely a solid average offering; I'm bullish and see above-average potential. Grade: 55

Splitter: Underutilized. Sits 83-85. Inconsistent but shows feel. Maintains arm speed; tunneled nicely off FB. Unpredictable late tumble and fade at its best. Pounded low out of the zone as a chaser; potential to eats bats and generate weak ground balls in the lower third. Significant gap between what is and what could be; has shown significant gains since draft day. Grade: 50

Control and Command: Advanced pitchability. Does his best to live on the corners. Attacks all four quads; frequently adjusts eye level. Pitches backwards in FB counts; occasional slurve happy sequencing. Locates FB well glove-side; occasionally struggles arm-side and up in the zone. Secondary command surprisingly not far behind FB. Overall command will have to exceed average to have impact at the big league level. Control: 55 | Command: 50

Overall: Crafty pitchability southpaw that could easily surpass my modest expectations. Backend SP highest outcome ceiling with velocity bump, consistency gains within secondaries and improved command. Big league spot starter or long reliever a more likely outcome.

OFP: 40
Role: 40 - Spot Starter or Long Reliever
Risk: High