We Dem Sheet Boyz! We dem boyz! Geoff Pontes, Triple-A and Double-A dungeon master, Rhys White the Meister of High-A, and the Minister of Low-A Matt Thompson. Yes, we use an ad libs book to write these.
The Minor League Daily Sheet: June 5th 2021
It was a hell of a Saturday night, we had parties, little league playoff games, and heavy drinking to do. So we’re rolling a little late today, but it’s all good because Geoff (Triple-A/Double-A), Rhys White (High-A), and Matt Thompson (Low-A) are here to walk you through the top performers in the minor leagues from June 5th 2021.
The Minor League Daily Sheet: June 2nd 2021
After tonight’s games finish we’ll be exactly one month into the Minor League season. We’re starting to get some jelly in these donuts, Frank! Not to worry, you know this as Geoff, Matt, and Rhys have rundown the top performers each night since the beginning of the season (excluding Mondays). Today’s sheet is provided by Geoff and Rhys as the latter stood in for Matt on Low-A last night. It’s another day of notes on the top performers in Minor League Baseball
The Minor League Daily Sheet: May 5th, 2021 - Max Meyer Day!
Another day, another butt load of games and minor league standouts to focus on. The first question we got after publishing installment one was “Are you going to do this everyday?” The answer is simple; we’ll try! We’ll try to keep up the cadence of daily, but I make no promises! Anyway, the breakfast burrito is warm and I’m deleting all mentions of Wander Franco’s launch angle until he has a 50% groundball rate and twitter decides we were right again. Those are the rules boys, I don’t make them.