Zach Haake - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 KC RHP 15 45

Grades Update: May 2021
OFP Role FB SL CH Ctr/Cmd
45 40 60 50 55 40/30

May 2021 Report

Evaluator: Danny Brackman

Age: 24 yr
Height: 6-4
Weight: 186 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2018 Round 6
RuleV: 2021

Physical Description: Prototypical pitcher build. Tall and strong with long limbs. Above average mobility and athleticism. Still a little room left for adding some more muscle.

Delivery & Mechanics: Starts wind-up slightly off-set. Gets moving quickly, starting his downhill move almost immediately after beginning to lift his leg. Utilizes long levers well, generating big separation and lots of torque. Medium effort delivery into an over the top arm action that generally sequences well but has blips where timing is off. Front side could stay a bit tighter through rotation. Speed of motion helps minimize chance for error. Likes to work quickly.

Fastball: Sits 93-95 and tops 97. Above average raw spin and a good 4-seam axis. Ball jumps out of his hand. Plays plus both in and out of the zone. Will freeze hitters on the corners and register whiffs. Might even have another gear to reach. Grade: 60

Slider: 83-85 with heavy gyro and a cutter-ish axis. Sharp, late two-plane break. Will flatten out at times though velo separation from FB helps keep hitters off balance. Tunnels off the FB effectively. Should be at least an average offering. Grade: 50

Changeup: 84-85 with good fade and sink. Arm slot and arm speed help deceptiveness and movement mirrors SL well. Good feel and a willingness to throw to RHHs. Can change shape and show more horizontal than vertical. Effective for both generating weak contact and whiffs. Above average offering. Grade: 55

Control and Command: Has shown an improved ability to spot within and around the zone. Will work the FB around and look for his spot. Less ability to command offspeed but generally does well staying away from hittable areas. Pitch profiles generally stay on plane and rarely slip, spike, or back up. Control: 50 | Command: 45

Overall: Haake has steadily built his functional strength and cleaned up pitching mechanics over the past couple years. There's still tons of risk in the profile and he's far from a finished product, though the on-mound athleticism and stuff is certainly interesting enough to give a look. He could profile as a solid weapon out of the pen in the near future, yet there's seemingly a puncher's chance he turns into a real MLB rotation option.

OFP: 45
Role: 40 - Backend SP #5 or High-Leverage Reliever
Risk: High