Matthew Thompson - Scouting Report

Rank History
Year Team Position Team Rank OFP
2021 CHW RHP 6 50

Grades Update: Dec 2020
OFP Role FB CB CH Ctr/Cmd
50 50 60 55 45 45/40

Dec 2020 Report

Evaluator: Mike Kinsela

Age: 20 yr
Height: 6-3
Weight: 195 lbs
Hits/Throws: R/R
Acquired: 2019 Round 2
RuleV: 2023

Physical Description: Long, lean, athletic build with frame to continue filling out-has the physical upside of a specimen.

Delivery & Mechanics: The arm speed and athleticism stand out with Thompson, and he'd earned some amateur comps to former 2nd rounder Alex Speas as a result of both. The arm speed is easily plus, maybe plus-plus. High 3/4 slot that works to leverage the ball down in the strike zone, verticality could allow for better projection up in the zone. Athletic and loose.

Fastball: Velocity has never been a problem, Thompson can reach the mid-90's consistently and generally has sat 91-94 mph in the past. The pitch is true but the high slot release gives him some fastball traits up in the zone, and he can blow the pitch by hitters at the letters in the mid-90's with ease. Grade: 60

Curveball: His best pitch as an amateur, a hard downer curveball thrown with 11/5 shape mostly in the low-80's. Is plus often, isn't plus consistently and can get slurvy at times. The pitch has made strides in terms of consistency and is now much better in that regard than his amateur days, but there are still strides to be made to get to consistently plus. Grade: 55

Changeup: Third pitch now, some evaluators have seen flashes of above-average on the pitch, still uses somewhat sparingly and is definitely developing feel. His athleticism and arm action portend to good changeup projection, still somewhat unsure projection. Grade: 45

Control and Command: Thompson's athleticism gives evaluators hope that better command is coming, but as such he's still prone to some wildness within the zone and overall zone loss at times, leading to many believing that he's destined for the bullpen. Control: 45 | Command: 40

Overall: Thompson's athleticism and arm talent are enticing, and he shows the makings of a true plus fastball/plus curveball profile. The story here is the same of many profiles, the third pitch projection and the command concerns lead to some bullpen worry, but it's still far too early to pigeonhole an athlete of this caliber that way. The upside here is likely that of a #3 starter or late-innings reliever, or more realistically a solid backend SP.

OFP: 50
Role: 50 - #4 or #5 SP
Risk: High