I've been hard at work to get some new features into the App Suite and I'm really excited to release them. Do hope you enjoy them and if you have any questions or suggestion please don't hesitate to reach out.

Fantrax Salaries & Contracts

Before getting into the trade matchmaker tool, if your Fantrax league is using Salary and Contract fields I've added them into the Top 1300+, League Analyzer and Trade Matchmaker tools.

In the Top 1300+ you can now upload an "All Taken Players" file instead of a Free Agent one to filter on who is owned in your league. New filters are now available by Manager and by Contract, while the Manager/Salary/Contract fields are now in the table.

In the League Analyzer, the total team salary is now displayed in that table as are the salary and contract when expanding the teams

Trade Matchmaker

This is a brand new feature in the App Suite to help you find potential matches when you're looking to move players. Right now the tool only does 1 for 1 player trade lists but I'm working on 2-1 as well.

Similar to the League Analyzer tool, you upload your Fantrax "All Taken Players" file. Then you choose your team and then select your trade partners. You can select "All" for trade partners or select a subset of managers (just make sure to de-select "All" if adjusting from there).

From there you choose the $ wiggle room you are willing to have when looking for player matches. The default is -$1 to $1, meaning if you have a $5 player to trade, it will spit out all players worth between $4 and $6. Like all the other tools, the player values are based on the league settings

Lastly, filter down the player pool for what you are looking for by position, age, MLB or Prospect and contract (if using).

In this example I'm looking for pitchers, marked with a "K" contract (keepers) in a range of $2 around the player I want to look to trade, in this case Pete Alonso.

Again any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated and hope you get some value out of the tool.

Trade Matchmaker UPDATE

Trades with up to 3 players headed in either direction is now supported!

The main difference from the 1-for-1 Trade Matchmaker is that here you develop the deal selecting the number of players to send and number of players to receive, as well as a minimum player value to receive in return. Here is an example:

The thread on Twitter below gives details of the step by step process. I formulated an actual trade offer with the tool and a deal got done on a counter!

Where To Find the Trade Matchmaker & Lists

The Trade Matchmaker is found in the PLIVE+ APP SUITE which is available to The 60 Tier Patreon subscribers ($10/mo).

PLIVE+ App Suite
The home to our interactive dynasty lists, projections, tools and more

Other Changes

  • The League Analyzer now has Hitting/Pitching and MLB/Prospect $ splits (seen above)
  • Top 500 Prospect Rank and Peak projections data has been added to the Top 1300+ (seen above)
  • Fixes to some Top 500 bio data
  • 70+ tier subscribers ($15/mo) are now getting first look at rankings & app updates